Resumed session of the first meeting of the INB
Deliverables: Determination of an inclusive Member State led process, to be facilitated by the co-chairs and vice-chairs, to identify the substantive elements of the instrument Agreement on the participation of relevant stakeholders in the INB – Agreement on timeline and deliverables Secretariat presentation on the holding of public hearings
Dual approach to solicit inputs from Member States on substantive elements of the instrument
Deliverables: Inputs on substantive elements
Continuation of the resumed session of the first meeting of the INB
Deliverables: Consideration and discussion of the consolidated outline document of the substantive elements Determination of an inclusive Member State led process, to be facilitated by the co-chairs and vice-chairs, to identify the process for the development of a working draft to be presented for consideration at INB2 Establishment of subgroups responsible for the […]
Holding of public hearings by the Director-General, in line with standard WHO practice, prior to the second meeting of the INB to inform its deliberations, per decision SSA2(5)
Deliverables: Report by the Secretariat on public hearings
Public Hearings
Deliverables: Collection of inputs for a working draft
Second Meeting of the INB
Deliverables: Consideration of a working draft, on the basis of progress achieved Identification of the provision of the WHO Constitution under which the instrument should be adopted, in line with operative paragraph 1(1) of decision SSA2(5) 1 Per decision SSA2(5) (2021), the second meeting of the INB is to be held no later than […]